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S Reeson



the poet

S Reeson (she/they) is 58 and bisexual. They have been published by The Poetry Society and Bloomsbury/OneWorld, and had work in more than 20 publications and anthologies – most recently, Ink, Sweat & Tears. When not creating, they are very close to being able to deadlift their body weight.

the poems


00:00 / 00:52

                            I will not let this voice be         silenced

                            this has become a moment   definition

                            carving ideals going forward

                            that in a space        for giving

                            the right things aren’t received

                            people   have stopped listening

                            everyone             who plays this game

                            do you see     that rules have changed

                            questions transform     weapons

                            a proper form             to lessons

                            learnt at distance      and in time

                            I will ask  this voice   will define


00:00 / 01:27

                            the day she opened up my brain

                            put her hand inside

                            plucked out a poisoned shard

                            I may not have been listening


                            I may have been falling

                            the day I learnt

                            fairy stories aren't for happy endings

                            they're for lessons earnt

                            I heard inertia's static undermining

                            that may soon destroy us all

                            I renounced its terrorism


                            another day begins within a schism

                            inside this safest space

                            indicates an altering position

                            I do not see enough inclusivity


                            I only taste their lack of comprehension

                            the day that other people

                            accept they're born as levers

                            the world might then begin to change

                            I will not repeat a previous senseless history


                            I will become a helper  kinder force  idealism


                            the day I finally embrace a subtle shift

                            relaxing this constant fist

                            constant poisoned shards cascade away


00:00 / 00:51

                            sometimes it is about           you

                            and the comprehension given to

                            what it is             that isn’t good

                            an acceptance       of a need to change

                            looking at what’s fundamentally wrong

                            piling up      as rubbish round our feet

                            nobody anywhere    is perfect

                            ask      when was the last time

                            objectivity came off the shelf

                            in the spaces        between living

                            take a long hard look at yourself

                            there is always space       to give

Publishing credits

All poems: previously published in the author's Substack

© original authors 2025

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