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Mark Carson

© Jon Bean



the poet

Born in Belfast and educated in Dublin and Cambridge, Mark Carson has enjoyed an engineering career that's included sea-going with oceanographers, teaching in Nairobi, and running an engineering software company in Cumbria. He's published two pamphlets with Wayleave Press – The Hoopoe's Eye and Hove-to is a State of Mind – and a wheen of poems in various places such as Ink, Sweat & Tears, Smiths Knoll, The North, The Rialto, Orbis, Obsessed with Pipework, London Grip and Stride. Mark was short-listed for the Bridport Prize for Poetry in both 2009 and 2012, as well as for The UK's National Poetry Prize in 2014. His work has also been commended in the Troubadour International Poetry Prize, Aesthetica Creative Writing Award, and the Mirehouse Poetry Prize.

the poems

Möbius Strip

00:00 / 00:43

                            reducing her life to seventeen bullet points

                          was simpler far than she’d somehow imagined

                             and she had them graven in cursive script

                               on a one-sided strip of her native silver

                                    given a twist by a cunning smith

                              hammer-welded so the text is continuous

                                   with the tip of his finger he traces

                                 the edge of the strip with one edge

                               and one surface, re-entrant and cursive

                                 like a nightmarish earworm, a catch

                                in four parts, with recursive remorse

                              and the cyclical tides of unable to finish

The New Footbridge

00:00 / 03:18

                    It springs across the river like a slice of rainbow,

                    arched as a vertebrate, golden in the sunlight

                    and the mayor cuts the ribbon, the councillors are ready

                    and they all march together, march across the Guadiaro.

                    Is it not a great idea, a bridge so light and springy?

                    The laminated timbers so pretty and so buoyant?

                    The abutments are substantial, the footings thick and massive,

                    and the bridge rests lightly, lightly on its ledges. 

                                            *        *        *

                    The rain fell heavy in the Guadiaro catchment,

                    red with mud the river rose, covering the footings

                    and the river surged and rose again, thrusting the abutments

                    and again the turbid river rose, tearing at the handrails.

                    Who could imagine the buoyancy of timber?

                    Who would consider the drag loads on the structure?

                    Who did the sums on the piddling little brackets,

                    the tension, the shear, the bending and the torsion?

                    The goats and the sheep retreated to the hilltops,

                    watched as the racing spate tore the banks asunder,

                    watched as the carcasses were tumbled down the valley,

                    watched as the pretty footbridge wrenched itself to pieces.

                    Where will it end, the bridge, and what the hell can stop it?

                    Smashing through the gorges, crunching on the boulders,

                    tossing under viaducts and swept across the weir, 

                    the stepping stones, past long-abandoned piggeries,

                    until it crashes, snags against the Old Bridge.

                    Snags and floats and traps the trunks of willow trees, 

                    of splintered, fractured alamos and olive brash and figs

                    and oleander torn from sodden banks. It rises like a floating dam,

                    the water flooding over terraces, creeping up the door frames,

                    sluicing through the sockets and the fusebox, lifting tables,

                    chairs, cupboards, sofas, floating in a tangle to the ceiling,

                    twisting shutters from their pintle hinges, toilet doors

                    and pictures, prints. Guitars from hooks. Cushions.

                    Books from shelves, maps and guides from folders,

                    useless telephone directories, magazines,

                    a grim confetti, paper-porridge slopping in the slimy flow.

                    There’s no transparency, just thick brown oxtail,

                    rich in clay washed from the groves of olives,

                    ploughed lands, hillsides scarified and naked.

                    Quietly, it starts to settle, thick and smeary.

                    Now the water’s reached the Old Bridge deck,

                    crushing foliage up against the chainlink handrail.

                    Abruptly the bridge gives way, the concrete pier 

                    collapses, prising its footing from the river bed.

                    A hundred thousand tonnes of water make a charge for freedom

                    down the valley, tearing the gable from the house below,

                    scattering roof tiles. From the broken windows 

                    of the flooded houses, water spews.

In County Clare

00:00 / 01:14

                    And if you should stay in the town of Lahinch

                    after your dinner and a glass in the hotel bar

                    walk out in the long evening on the road to the west

                    and perch on the dry stone wall, your eye to the left

                    for the drama of the sinking sun, and to the east

                    where soon the figure of the girl will appear

                    and walk past you firmly as though stopping for no one

                    only at the last minute she’ll spin

                    like a dancer, coming to a halt in a stylish chassé

                    with her back to the wall beside you.

                    Then you may learn her name, that she is walking

                    to Le Scanoor, which you had thought was called Liscannor,

                    and that her age is not to be revealed on a first meeting,

                    and that she loves to dance, and that there will be a marvellous 

                    opportunity to dance with her, next week in Le Scanoor,

                    if you were still to be around. But for all of this to happen,

                    you must be a slender boy of nineteen

                    with an open countenance, and time on your hands.

Publishing credits

Möbius Strip: Ink, Sweat & Tears (May 2022)

The New Footbridge: The Hoopoe's Eye (Wayleave Press)

In County Clare: Hove-to is a State of Mind (Wayleave Press)

© original authors 2025

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