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Sharon Philips



the poet

Bristolian by birth and upbringing, now living in Otley, West Yorkshire, Sharon Phillips began writing poetry when she retired from a career in education. Her poems have since been published, online and in print, in anthologies and journals ranging from The Bridport Prize Anthology 2019, Under the Radar and The Dawn Treader to Ink Sweat & Tears and The High Window. Her first pamphlet, Liven Yourself Up, appeared in 2024.

the poems


00:00 / 00:44

                        He is at his most beautiful.

                        Motown is behind him,

                        he’s too strong to be beaten,

                        his cheekbones are sharp,

                        acne scars all healed. At last 

                        he feels good about his face.

                        He looks up with a grin, snaps

                        his fingers to the bass line,

                        pushes off the wall with his foot,

                        leaps, moonwalks, spins, slides.

                        He sings, easy, unforced,

                        the songs that mark a decade.

                        There’s no stopping him now, 

                        you’d like to think.

The hardest thing
about hospital

00:00 / 00:45

                        it’s not the obs trolley rattling me awake

                        not the overhead light blink-blinking

                        not the bleep of stalled infusion pumps


                        not Rachel in the next bed howling 

                        whenever she pisses herself

                        not the weary nurse who tells me 

                        these ladies are all quite confused

                        not the maggot in my mind worrying

                        why they’ve put me on this ward


                        not cannulas dreadlocking my arms

                        not the steroids prowling my nerves

                        not my mouth gaping for words 

                        not the blotches on my brain scan


                        it’s wanting my mum.


After Kim Moore

00:00 / 00:59

                        the early morning cleaners,

                        who rise at five, who dress in the dark 

                        for fear of waking their children, 

                        who eat cold toast at the bus stop,

                        who lug buckets and hoovers

                        through empty offices, who wipe

                        fingerprints from photos 

                        and neaten toys and mascots,

                        who scrub piss and shit 

                        from toilet seats and floors, 

                        who fear their hours will be cut,

                        who are desperate for money

                        for food and rent and the gas bill,

                        who wonder what it would be like 

                        to have a cushy office job, who sweat 

                        under sky blue polyester tabards,

                        whose backs ache, feet throb,

                        whose ankles are swollen, who 

                        worry they won’t be home when 

                        the kids wake up, who'll do it 

                        all again tomorrow.

Publishing credits

Prelapsarian: exclusive first publication by iamb

The Hardest Thing About Hospital:

  Liven Yourself Up  (Yaffle’s Nest) 

Consider: Black Nore Review (August 26th 2024)

© original authors 2025

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