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Ed Garvey Long



the poet

Life coach Ed Garvey-Long is a queer poet from North London. He has an MA in Creative and Life Writing from Goldsmiths, University of London, and published his first pamphlet, The Living Museum, in 2019. Ed's poems have featured in Under the Radar, Perverse, clavmag and harana poetry. His hobbies include hand-sewing quilts, and long walks with his husband.

the poems


00:00 / 01:06

                        I look up from my muesli

                        and Jane Austen’s in my kitchen,

                        red-cheeked from dancing and 

                        tiny like a museum mannequin. 

                        She comes to join me at the table,

                        doesn’t say a word, smiling warmly

                        like we share a funny truth.

                        I don’t say a word either –

                        what would she make of my accent? 

                        She looks around bewildered but 

                        taking it all in her stride. Maybe she 

                        often falls out of time to join 

                        gay men eating their muesli?

                        We look at each other awkwardly again 

                        with beaming smiles and a sense of 

                        when is this going to end? 

                        She goes to speak, looking at me directly,

                        but she fades out,

                        and then she's gone. 

Sunday in the Woods

00:00 / 01:10

            All the dogs follow us home.

            At first we pretend it’s an inconvenience,

            but then we start dancing and skipping 

            with a conga line of cavapoos and dachshunds, 

            labradors and cockers, huskies, 

            newfoundlanders and chihuahuas gambolling 

            and prancing behind us. 

            Once home, we thrive drenched in dog slobber,

            swimming in kibble and poo bags –

            our flat’s a Pets At Home warehouse.

            But we love them all endlessly, yes.

            We love them all more than the bored middle-class families did.

            We love the chaos of it, we love the glory and the noise.

            And the love: we love the love of having them with us, 

            falling over each other in an abundant pile, 

            a glorious fur phantasmagoria.  

Borrowed Light

00:00 / 00:43

                                    Friday and I pick off

                                    the moss of this week

                                    and let myself stand in brightness

                                    streaming through 

                                    our modest windows 

                                    yellowing my books 

                                    the snake plant 

                                    likes to be crowded 

                                    and the song thrush 

                                    is back to nest 

                                    if we have anything 

                                    it is borrowed light 

                                    warm on our faces 

                                    large and powerful and


Publishing credits

All poems: exclusive first publication by iamb

© original authors 2025

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